Voxel hand
Voxel hand allows the user to build, manipulate and destroy voxel objects, which generally consist of asteroids and other raw material-based objects (not prefabs). Voxels can be compared with "chunks" or "blocks" that combine together to make up a larger overall object.
Voxel hand provides the user with the ability to add, remove, soften and change the material type of voxels. This is achived by using one of the tools to zone an area to complete the desired affect (add/remove/edit voxels). The user has three types of voxel hand tools available, which are currently:
The voxel hand box, cuboid and sphere:
Users can manipulate the size of the zone they are editing using a slider bar, with a setting of between 1 - 500.
Editing an asteroid with voxel hand cuboid:
Close up after the edit: